The 6th Annual Graduation and Certification Ceremony of IMC AIC Campus was held onthe 5th of January 2022 at BMICH. The chief guest of the event was Mr. Fouzul Hameed -Managing Director of Envoy London and Hameedia Group.The guest of honors included Dr. Kanishka de Silva – Consultant Oncological Surgeonand Chairman of the Onco-surgery Board (PIM), Dr. Roshan De Lima – Country DirectorLincoln University Malaysia, Ms. Premila Paulraj – Director, Employability andQualifications - Pearson South Asia, Mr. Suriya Bibile – Deputy General Manager Sales –Pearson and Ms. Olivia Bellemere – Cultural Counsellor Embassy of France.

We would like to congratulate all the graduates and wish them for all of their future studiesand endeavors!